Welcome to the C3PI Web Server
for Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction
1. Fill out the pairs block with comma-separated pairs of proteins.
- Each line should contain only 2 protein IDs.
- Maximum 10 pairs
at a time.
- IDs should only be constructed using a combination of characters,
numbers, and underscores.
2. Provide an email address to receive the results (Optional).
3. Input the sequence of corresponding proteins from the pairs block.
- Maximum 20 sequences at a time.
- Each sequence should have a length between 31 and 800 amino acids.
- The sequence block must be in single line FASTA format.
4. Click the "Predict" button.
Upon submitting your request, the server will show an estimated time required to generate the results. Once the calculations are complete, the results will be delivered to you via email.